Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Serhiy Lytvynenko | Physicians | Leleka
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Serhiy Lytvynenko | Physicians | Leleka
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Serhiy Lytvynenko | Physicians | Leleka
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Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Serhiy Lytvynenko | Physicians | Leleka

Serhiy Lytvynenko

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category
Experience - 31 years
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1993 – graduated from the medical faculty of the Donetsk Medical University named after M. Gorky.

1993-1996 – completed an internship in the specialty "Obstetrics and Gynecology" in maternity hospital No. 1 in Mariupol.

1996 – Donetsk Medical University named after M. Gorky was awarded the title of specialist in "obstetrics and gynecology".

2000 – the qualification of an obstetrician-gynecologist of the second category was awarded.

2005 – the qualification of obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category was awarded.

2010 – attestation to confirm the qualification of an obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category.

2014 – the qualification of a gynecologist of the highest category was granted.


Professional work

1996-2002 – worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist in maternity hospital No. 2 in Mariupol. He worked as a doctor in a women's consultation, a resident doctor in the department of pathology of pregnant women, operative gynecology, maternity department.

2002-2012 – worked as a resident doctor of the laparoscopic surgery and gynecology department of Medifast LLC.

2012-2022 – worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist at the inpatient hospital of the "Health Code" Medical Center, Mariupol.

Since 2022 – he has been working as an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Center for Modern Surgery of the "Leleka" Medical Center, Kyiv.


Conferences, seminars, internships

2006 - participation in the International Conference "Modern Minimally Invasive Interventions on the Organs of the Reproductive System and Pelvic Floor in Women" in Kyiv.

2007 – completed a specialization in operative endoscopy of the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology in operative endoscopy in gynecology (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy) with a course in urogynecology.

2007 – Completed a course of practical training in the technique of operative treatment of stress incontinence in women with TVT, TVT-obturator; the technique of surgical treatment for prolapse of the vaginal walls using the Supe sage RgoIiA system.

2008 – participated in the International practical conference "Management of patients with uterine fibroids: from hysterectomy to preservation of the uterus" in Kyiv.

2009 – passed the practical training course "Modern operative methods of pelvic floor reconstruction and treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women with alloplastic materials (Prolift, TVT) in Donetsk on the basis of the Donetsk Regional Center for Maternity and Childhood Protection.

2010 – participation in a scientific and practical conference on endoscopic surgery and minimally invasive technologies (Kirovohrad).

2011 – participation in the master class "Modern complex approaches in the treatment of endometriosis and uterine fibroids", Donetsk.

2011 – participation in the thematic seminar: "Modern approaches to the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system."

2012 – participation in the scientific and practical conference "Laser surgery", Cherkasy.

2013 – in the master class "Modern methods of operative laparoscopy in gynecological practice".

2014 – participation in the training of practical skills of safe laparoscopy at the International Telelearning Center, Toronto, Canada.


Membership in associations, organizations

Current Member of the Society of Gynecologists-Endoscopists and Pelvic Surgeons.


Professional skills

Serhii performs the following types of surgical treatment of gynecological diseases:

To the list

Doctor's certificates


Хочу подякувати лікарю Литвиненко Сергію Олексійовичу за оперативне лікування моєї мами. Це професіонал своєї справи та просто гарна людина. Мама швидко відновилась після операції, весь персонал клініки, з яким приходилось контактувати був дуже уважним та професійним . Умови перебування в стаціонарі та харчування, як у 5* готелі
Хочу висловити щиру подяку та слова неймовірної вдячності , лікарю акушеру-гінекологу вищої категорії Сергію Олексійовичу Литвиненко за оперативну та своєчасну медичну допомогу з приводу видалення бартолінової залози! Хвороба проходила з відчуттям болю та неймовірного дискомфорту !Професійний рівень та досвід чудового лікаря дав змогу покращити стан здоров’я та відчути неймовірне полегшення! Дякую Вам за професійну допомогу та підтримку!


Сергій Олексійович Литвиненко - Жіночий Доктор з великої букви! Велика подяка за працю, творчих успіхів!
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Serhiy Lytvynenko | Physicians | Leleka
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Serhiy Lytvynenko | Physicians | Leleka

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