Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka
Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka
Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka
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Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka

Prenatal diagnosis

Prenatal (antenatal) screening – is a set of laboratory and instrumental investigations to detect any fetal abnormalities before birth.

Why should prenatal screening be performed at LELEKA Maternity Hospital?

Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka
Safety guarantee

LELEKA Maternity Hospital is the only in Ukraine healthcare facility that has introduced the health insurance system for pregnant women in case of preterm birth, especially up to 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka

3-D ultrasound equipment, which provides diagnostic accuracy and detection of the slightest signs of fetal abnormalities at early stages of pregnancy.

Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka

Highly qualified ultrasound specialists, who have a broad experience in the areas of perinatal diagnosis, work in LELEKA Maternity Hospital.

Prenatal Screening for Singleton Pregnancy

Up to 11 weeks I trimester

The first expert 7-week ultrasound is done to detect a pregnancy. During the procedure, a doctor determines whether a woman is pregnant and gestational age, checks the correct position in the uterus.


13 weeks I trimester

At this stage of pregnancy, pregnant women undergo the combined OSCAR test that allows calculating the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities, as well as possible obstetric complications, such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, preterm birth and other pathological conditions in women.

The OSCAR test includes:

  • Maternal serum screening using biochemical markers PAPP-A and free β-hCG.
  • Expert fetal ultrasound to exclude chromosomal pathologies; a doctor makes measurements of the collar space, maxilla and nasal bones in fetus.
  • Calculation of individual risks of possible chromosomal abnormalities using a special program.

15 -18 weeks II trimester

At this stage of pregnancy, pregnant women undergo maternal serum AFP screening to assess possible fetal neural tube defects.


20 – 21 weeks II trimester

Routine expert ultrasound to make a detailed assessment of fetal anatomy to exclude the major fetal growth abnormalities.
In the second trimester, except detecting major fetal growth abnormalities, a doctor can predict the signs of increased risk of preterm labor, early preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction and others.


29 – 30 weeks III trimester

Doppler velocimetry to evaluate fetus wellbeing before the onset of labor.
At this stage of pregnancy, it is possible to detect major fetal growth abnormalities, which are subjected to successful fetal surgery or surgery after birth.


After 32 weeks III trimester

Fetal monitoring using a cardiotocograph (CTG) or Doppler velocimetry 1 time in 2 weeks.
In the third trimester, a doctor examines not so much the fetal abnormalities, as signs and symptoms of increased risk of preterm labor, early preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction.


Doctors of LELEKA Maternity Welfare Center use advanced methods for monitoring of pregnancy of any complexity, and especially high-risk pregnancy.

Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka

Fetal karyotype and genetic testing using invasive and non-invasive methods in the maternity hospital are as follows:

  • Amniocentesis: a diagnostic test of amniotic fluid
  • Chorionic villus sampling, placental biopsy
  • Cordocentesis
  • Verifi Prenatal – non-invasive prenatal testing
  • 3-D ultrasound with video recording

Women with high-risk pregnancy should undergo various tests and procedures in addition to routine prenatal screening tests

Ultrasound cervicometry (measurement of the cervix) is recommended for women with recurrent pregnancy loss and previous preterm delivery starting at 16 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound vaginal cervicometry is a safe and effective way of assessing risk for preterm birth that makes it possible to take measures that can delay delivery.


In women with preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders, periodic assessment of fetal wellbeing using Doppler velocimetry is recommended.


In women with gestational diabetes, special attention is paid to monitoring of fetal growth and wellbeing. Starting at the 28th week of pregnancy, ultrasonic fetometry and control of amniotic fluid volume are performed every 4 weeks (32, 36 weeks of pregnancy).

If you have any questions, please call us:
  • Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka
  • Prenatal screening | Directions | Leleka

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