Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
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Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka


LELEKA Maternity Welfare Centers provide pregnant women with close supervision of experienced obstetrician-gynecologists in a friendly atmosphere without any need to queue and await. All your examinations and appointments are scheduled individually.


Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
Pregnancy health insurance under Protected Pregnancy Policy
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
Analyses in our own diagnostic laboratory
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
Permanent loyalty program for labor management packages
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care at the LELEKA Maternity Hospital is a comprehensive monitoring over health of the mother and the unborn child, a professional approach and a caring attitude at all stages of pregnancy:

- Pregnancy care of any complexity

- Calculation of the individual risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities

- Informative classes at the online parenting school

- Study of the fetal genetic abnormalities by non-invasive and invasive methods (in case of an increased risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities);

Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka

Package Offers

Prenatal Care Package Offers

Our programs are designed for women at 6 weeks of gestation and over and comply with the basic standards and guidelines of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the recommendations and experience of the leading reproductive specialists, obstetrician-gynecologists, geneticists, and psychologists around the world. When choosing one of the prenatal care programs, you will be under close supervision of a doctor throughout the entire pregnancy period. At the consultation, the obstetrician-gynecologist will explain in detail the differences between the programs and help to choose the optimal one taking into account the gestational age and the physiological characteristics of your body.

Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka Head of the Maternity Welfare Center in LELEKA. OB/GYN Experience 24 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka Deputy medical director for outpatient consultation departments. Manager of "Leleka" MC in Pechersk. OB/GYN Experience 23 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka OB/GYN Physician Experience 30 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka OB/GYN Physician Experience 17 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka General Physician Experience 12 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist Experience 21 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka Endocrinologist Experience 30 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka Endocrinologist and nutritionist Experience 10 years Read more
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka Obstetrician-gynecologist Experience 19 years Read more

Videos Services

Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
Svitlana Tarabarova's review of pregnancy management in Leleka
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
LELEKA Maternity hospital
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
Feel the Happiness of motherhood together with LELEKA
Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
LELEKA Maternity Hospital: a happy child - successful country!
Open Days
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A contact center specialist will contact you to agree on the details. Applications are processed during business hours from 8:00 to 20:00 seven days a week.
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Which specialists carry out prenatal diagnostics at the LELEKA Maternity Hospital?

In the LELEKA Maternity Hospital, prenatal fetal diagnostics is carried out by accredited specialists in ultrasound diagnostics and obstetrician-gynecologists in accordance with the international standards of The Fetal Medicine Foundation. They have confirmed their knowledge in practice and collected a certificate that gives them the right to use the best programs for calculating the risk of possible anomalies in the first trimester, in particular the ASTRAYA program;

What are the benefits of prenatal care in the LELEKA Maternity Welfare Centers?

Your benefits of prenatal care in the LELEKA Maternity Welfare Centers:

 - Pregnancy insurance program for the first and second trimesters which covers preterm delivery and other possible risks

 - Prenatal care of any complexity

 - Modern prenatal diagnostics carried out by accredited specialists in ultrasound diagnostics, obstetrician-gynecologists in accordance with the international standards of The Fetal Medicine Foundation. They annually confirm their knowledge in practice and collect a certificate that gives them the right to use the best programs for calculating the risk of possible fetal anomalies in the first trimester, in particular the ASTRAYA program

 - Possibility of continuous monitoring and examination of pregnant women with a high degree of risk regardless of their location using the innovative Sense4baby device

 - Free and healthy breakfasts in our restaurant for every pregnant woman following the laboratory tests that should be carried out fasted

 - Stay in a day hospital (the number of days depends on your package)

 - Online parenting school

- Loyal discount policy for the patients of the LELEKA Maternity Hospital who are planning to conclude a prenatal care contract

 - Patient online account, where you can make an appointment, track your test results, etc.

How early can you sign the contract for birth services at LELEKA Maternity Hospital?

For patients who receive prenatal care at LELEKA Maternity Hospital, the contract can be signed after the 22nd week of pregnancy. For patients who are registered for prenatal care at other healthcare facility, the contract can be signed after 34 weeks of pregnancy and after prenatal tests and examinations at LELEKA Maternity Hospital. Prenatal tests and examinations will be included in the cost of birth services package.

If you have any questions, please call us:
  • Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka
  • Prenatal care | Directions | Leleka

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