Scientific articles | Leleka Maternity Hospital Blog | Media Center | Maternity hospital Leleka
Scientific articles | Leleka Maternity Hospital Blog | Media Center | Maternity hospital Leleka
Scientific articles | Leleka Maternity Hospital Blog | Media Center | Maternity hospital Leleka
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Conversion of epidural analgesia to...

Abstract. The frequency of cesarean sections is increasing from year to year, and the choice of optimal anesthetic management is important. Regional anaesthesia...

The effect of epidural analgesia on the...

Is epidural analgesia an effective way to manage pain during labor and what is the connection between it compared to instrumental delivery and caesarean section?...

Interesting medical case in "Leleka"

“We would like to share an interesting case from our practice at Leleka,” says Evgen Grizhymalskyi, the Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care...

Strong immunity

We are sharing advice from Lesia Sytnyk, Nutritionist at Leleka Maternity Hospital. Good sleep quality, physical activity and a balanced diet depend on our...

Scientific articles | Leleka Maternity Hospital Blog | Media Center | Maternity hospital Leleka

Food allergy

Food allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to food components in a genetically predisposed person. Today, prevention of food allergy is an important health...

Modern methods of pain relief in...

Following on from our fresh topic, we would like to introduce Evgen Grizhymalskyi, the Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department, who regards medicine...

Fast recovery after cesarean section

Rapid recovery after caesarean section The article was prepared by: Dmytro Shadlun, Medical Director of the Leleka Maternity Hospital, Doctor of Medical Science;...

Modern management of operations with...

One of the leading causes of maternal deaths in the 21st century is postpartum haemorrhage. A short period of euphoria in the obstetrics associated with the success...

Modern innovative methods of monitoring...

Leleka Maternity Hospital is a modern and innovative healthcare facility, the main focus of which is the safety and health of mothers and their babies. The maternity...

  • Scientific articles | Leleka Maternity Hospital Blog | Media Center | Maternity hospital Leleka
  • Scientific articles | Leleka Maternity Hospital Blog | Media Center | Maternity hospital Leleka

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