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Pregnancy without Worries

Of course, the expectant mothers are recommended to be less nervous and to reduce the effects of stress. However, it`s impossible to completely avoid stress and worries. Be anxious about this means to enhance the effects of stress.

What Do Pregnant Women Worry About?

There are a plenty of causes for concern and anxiety during pregnancy. Firstly, women worry about the baby's health. Even if the tests and examinations do not detect any abnormalities and disorders, and the pregnancy is normal, an expectant mother still worries about her baby's health, and has a great fear of miscarriage. Especially those women, who got sick or needed to take medications during pregnancy worry too much.
Secondly, too much worries are about the upcoming childbirth, expectation of contractions and pain.
The third common cause of fear is physical changes in the woman's body, which, as it might seem, will change significantly her body and make the woman unattractive to her husband.
Depending on the financial position, a woman may worry about not having enough money to support the family. Very often these thoughts disturb those women, who before pregnancy provided financial stability for the family. Many of them also worry about how to organize their life after the baby is born, as a new mother will not have enough time for all regular family responsibilities.

Do Fears of a Pregnant Woman Negatively Affect Her Baby?

Definitely, a baby absorbs his mother`s emotions and interacts with her, and you cannot change this. A short-term stress is normal for adult organism, and can hardly harm the baby. But a chronic stress, depression, long-term emotional overload can have negative effects on your baby’s health. Furthermore, it is known that, for example, pregnant women, who constantly suffer form anxiety, and who are not supported by their family members, especially by husbands, have toxicosis.
You can often hear the women discussing possible effects of maternal stress on the baby`s health, for example, accossiated with death of someone in the family or due to considerable money loss, business failure. Many women wonder whether a baby can become more nervous and anxious, if his mother did feel such emotions. Experience of many women shows that link between experienced stress and the child`s character does not exist. Much more impact has the environment, to which the baby comes after birth, than what his mother had to cry at the funeral or to argue with a tax inspector during her pregnancy.

Soothing Yourself

Of course, expectant mothers should consciously protect themselves from excessive stress. Doctors, for example, advise them to read less different "horrible" stories on forums for new moms. If you doubt, it is better to consult a doctor, than to get a hundred different answers from the Internet, each of which will begin with the words: "but I have ...". Do not attempt to interpret yourself test results, and do not invent the illness, just share your ideads with your physician and ask his opinion on the matter.
There are effective practicies that can help to normalize the emotional state of pregnant women. This is Yoga for expectant mothers, walking in the fresh air, and various hobbies. You can embroider, sew, practice decoupage, paint, sculpt ... By the way, embroidery has long been considered to be an excellent activity for pregnant women, just because a woman engaged in embroidery calms down, finds peace of mind, focuses on the creation of beauty.

How Family Can Help

The role of the family cannot be overestimated. It is understandable that during pregnancy not only an expectant mother, but also an expectant father and grandparents worry and feel excited. The father is not less important person for his baby as his mother, although, there is no physical link between them. The father protects and supports the mother. Therefore, Dear Fathers, do not lose the opportunity to be kind and gentle, take interest in everything that your pregnant woman does, what tests and examinations she needs to do, why she is tested and examined, what the results mean. Your participation is the key to peace of mind of your child`s mother. Your woman feels nervous and excited, she is afraid to make a mistake, and this is understandable, because nine months she has a whole new universe inside. A new world. A new human. Be patient and reliable. It is the best "soothing" for the expectant mother.


Natalia Myroshnichenko

Experience - 24 years

Date of publication: 05 October 2016 year


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  • Pregnancy without Worries | Blog | Media-center | Leleka

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