OB/GYN Physician, PhD Olha Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
OB/GYN Physician, PhD Olha Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
OB/GYN Physician, PhD Olha Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
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OB/GYN Physician, PhD Olha Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka

Olha Sulimenko

OB/GYN Physician, PhD
Experience - 13 years
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2001-2004 – Lubensk Medical School, specialty "Paramedic".

2005-2011 – Ukrainian Medical and Stomatological Academy of Poltava.

2011-2014 – Internship at the Myrhorod Medical Center, Poltava City Maternity Hospital, and the Perinatal Center of the Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital named after M.V. Sklifosovsky.

2016 – advanced training courses thematic improvement "Fundamentals of fetal medicine" at the National Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyka

In 2017, she completed advanced training courses for the thematic improvement of "Ambulatory Obstetrics and Gynecology Care".

2017-2019 – Clinical residency at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 of the National Postgraduate Medical Academy named after P. L. Shupyk.

2020 – Cycle of thematic improvement "Modern principles of management of multiple pregnancy and pregnancy and childbirth in women with a uterine scar."

2022 – specialization "Ultrasound diagnostics".


Research Activities

2019-2023 – postgraduate study (dissertation topic "Prediction and prevention of preeclampsia in multiple pregnancy after assisted reproductive technologies") at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 of the National Institute of Health of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupyka, Kyiv.

2023 – defended her thesis on the topic "Prediction and prevention of preeclampsia in multiple pregnancy after assisted reproductive technologies" and obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (candidate of medical sciences).


Professional work

2014-2017 – worked at the Perinatal Center of the Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital named after M. V. Sklifosovskyi in the delivery block of the obstetric department.

From 2017 to the present, he is an obstetrician-gynecologist at the obstetrics department of the Leleka Multidisciplinary Medical Center.


Internships, conferences, seminars

2017 – III Interdisciplinary Scientific Congress with international participation "Current issues of intensive care and anesthesia support in obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology".

2018 – II Israeli-Ukrainian scientific symposium "Emergencies and anesthesia support in obstetrics, gynecology and military medicine".

2019 – IV interdisciplinary scientific congress with international participation "Emergencies and anesthetic support in obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology".

2019 – Master class "Critical situations in obstetrics: from a clinical case to an algorithm of actions", Kyiv.

2019 – Participation in the scientific and practical conference with international participation "Controversies in modern obstetrics: preeclampsia and premature birth".

2020 – III Israeli-Ukrainian scientific symposium of the association of obstetric anesthesiologists of Ukraine "Intensive therapy and anesthetic support in obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology".

2020 – Professional school-seminar "Modern aspects of obstetric anesthesiology".

2020 – Webinar "COVID-19: Impact and mitigation strategies for prenatal screening for aneuploidy". PREIS School, Birth and Culture.

2020 – Webinar Series: "OUTCOME OF PREGNANCY MEDICALLY ASSISTED", Birth webinar series: Outcome of pregnancy medically assisted.

2020 – Webinar "The prevention of preterm birth". BIRTH Webinar Series Session: The Prevention of Preterm Birth.

2020 – Master class "Hemostasis and reproduction", Kyiv.

2021 – Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual issues of modern obstetrics and gynecology".

2021 – V interdisciplinary scientific congress with international participation "Emergencies and anesthetic support in obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology".

2021 – Professional online seminar "Pre-eclampsia from A to Z" Report "Diagnosis of pre-eclampsia in the "Stork" maternity hospital.

2021 – speaker at the 27th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology EBCOG & 15th Congress of the Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Athens, Greece.

2022 – speaker at the plenary session of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine and the Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine: new realities".

2023 – speaker at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists World Congress 2023, London, UK.


Rank and qualification

Obstetrics and gynecology is the first category


Doctor articles

Obstetric sepsis (clinical lecture)




Prevention of preeclampsia in women with multiple pregnancies after assisted reproduction


Major obstetric syndromes – modern possibilities of prevention

(https://med-expert.com.ua/journals/ua/veliki-akusherski-sindromi-suchasni-mozhlivosti-profilakt iki/)

Prediction and prevention of preeclampsia in multiple pregnancy after assisted reproductive technologies


Prediction of preeclampsia (Literature review)


Modern markers for predicting preeclampsia


Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in multiple pregnancy


Shemyakina NM, Sulimenko EM, Sulimenko OM, Kovalenko MM. (2024). Childbirth with abnormal invasion of the placenta: placenta accreta spectrum. Ukrainian Journal Health of Woman. 4(173): 75-79. doi: 10.15574/HW.2024.4(173).7579.


To the list

Doctor's certificates


Хочу подякувати команді лікарів: Овчаренко Світлані Олександрівні, Суліменко Ользі Миколаївні, Куликовій Інні Борисівні, Бабіч Аліні Анатоліївні та відділенню неонатології за комфортні пологи та післяпологовий догляд. Завдяки професіоналізму, уважності, турботі, чуйності персоналу – перейми, потуги та пологи пройшли ЧУДОВО (на 5 балів). Весь післяпологовий час я та дитина постійно були під наглядом лікарів. Все продумано до дрібниць :...
Ольга Миколаївна, дуже добра та чуйна людина! Акушер-гінеколог, який вміє налаштувати на правильний лад, підказати та допомогти у необхідний момент! Безмежно вдячна Вам та усій бригаді пологового будинку «Лелека», які були зі мною на пологах та допомогли народитися моєму щастю 13/03/2023! (Дякую, що одразу після пологів видалили парауретральну кісту).
Безмежна подяка Ользі Миколаївні за професіоналізм, витримку та чуйність. Як важливо відчувати настрій породіллі без зайвих слів. Стримано та виважено аналізувати поточну ситуацію та просто довіритись пацієнтці в такий важливий для неї момент. Я дякую Ользі саме за це, за те, що повірила в мене та допомогла з’явитись на світ моєму синочку 9.10.2022. Це був неймовірний досвід і цей досвід я, дякувати Богу, отримала саме в...
  • OB/GYN Physician, PhD Olha Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
  • OB/GYN Physician, PhD Olha Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka

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