Gastroenterologist, nutritionist Ivan Tokmakov | Physicians | Leleka
Gastroenterologist, nutritionist Ivan Tokmakov | Physicians | Leleka
Gastroenterologist, nutritionist Ivan Tokmakov | Physicians | Leleka
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Gastroenterologist, nutritionist Ivan Tokmakov | Physicians | Leleka

Ivan Tokmakov

Gastroenterologist, nutritionist
Experience - 12 years
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2012 – Graduated from the Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky.

2014 – Internship at Mariupol City Hospital No. 2, gastroenterology and therapeutic department

2017 – Specialization "Therapy", DoNMU named after M. Gorky.

2018 – Specialization "Gastroenterology", State University "Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education".


Professional Work

2014-2016 – Family doctor of the 1st CPMSP, Mariupol.

2016-2019 – Resident of the gastroenterology department.

2020 to present – Head of the Gastroenterology Department of the Mariupol Regional Intensive Care Hospital (actual address: Dovzhenka St., Kyiv).

2022-2023 – Into-Sana gastroenterologist.


Training Programs, Conferences, Workshops

Permanent participant of Ukrainian and international congresses.

2019–Participant of the 17th World Congress of Gastroenterology, Istanbul, Turkey.


Professional skills

The doctor's priority areas of work are:

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the esophagus and stomach:

Diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases:

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pancreas:

Diagnosis and treatment of intestinal diseases:

Diagnosis of onco diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Problems that the doctor helps to solve at the nutritionist appointment:

It is vital to consult a nutritionist who will help you solve all these problems that affect the quality of life.


Membership in associations, organizations

Active member of the Ukrainian and European Association of Gastroenterologists.

Active member of the European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

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Була на консультації 04.05. 2024р. у гастроентеролога Токмакова І.С.. Клініка на найвищому рівні, дуже кваліфіковані лікарі з індивідуальним підходом до пацієнта. Лікар провівши обстеження, поставив точний діагноз та назначив відповідно ефективне лікування, що спрямоване на велику ефективність. Дуже вдячна за працю та рекомендую іншим
Іван Сергійович дуже грамотний та уважний лікар гастроентеролог. Дякую за увагу і консультацію!
  • Gastroenterologist, nutritionist Ivan Tokmakov | Physicians | Leleka
  • Gastroenterologist, nutritionist Ivan Tokmakov | Physicians | Leleka

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