Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. Anesthesiologist, PhD Yevhen Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. Anesthesiologist, PhD Yevhen Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. Anesthesiologist, PhD Yevhen Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
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Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. Anesthesiologist, PhD Yevhen Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka

Yevhen Sulimenko

Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. Anesthesiologist, PhD
Experience - 14 years
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2005-2011 – Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, Poltava

2011-2013 – Internship, Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital and Poltava Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary

2015 – Thematic advanced training in Local Anesthesia in Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.L. Shupyk NMAPE, Kyiv

2016 – Advanced training courses, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv

Since 2017 – Clinical residency training, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Shupyk NMAPE, Kyiv

Research Activities

2024 – Defended a dissertation and earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Public Health, specializing in Medicine.

Work Experience

2013-2017 – Perinatal Centre of M.V. Sklifosovsky Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care for Women

2017 – Kyiv City Center for Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Professional Associations and Memberships

Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine

Association of Obstetric Anesthesiologists of Ukraine

Training Programs, Conferences, Workshops

2017 – III Interdisciplinary Scientific Congress with international participation "Current issues of intensive care and anesthesia support in obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology".

2018 – II Israeli-Ukrainian scientific symposium "Emergencies and anesthesia support in obstetrics, gynecology and military medicine".

2018 – Tenth British-Ukrainian Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Symposium.

2019 – Eleventh British-Ukrainian symposium "Innovative technologies and methods in anesthesiology and IT".

2019 – IV interdisciplinary scientific congress with international participation "Emergencies and anesthetic support in obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology".

2019 – European congress on anesthesiology "Euroanaesthesia".

2020 – III Israeli-Ukrainian scientific symposium of the association of obstetric anesthesiologists of Ukraine "Intensive therapy and anesthetic support in obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology".

2020 – Simulation training with mastering of practical skills on the topic "Ultrasound navigation of vascular accesses".

2020 – Professional school-seminar "Modern aspects of obstetric anesthesiology".

2021 – Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual issues of modern obstetrics and gynecology".

2021 – V interdisciplinary scientific congress with international participation "Emergencies and anesthetic support in obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology".

2022 – Fourteenth British-Ukrainian symposium "Multidisciplinary approach in anesthesiology and intensive care: from theory to practice."

2022 – speaker at the plenary session of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine and the Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine: new realities".

2023 – speaker at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists World Congress 2023, London, UK.

2023 – Received the qualification of ERC Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor candidate in Kyiv, Ukraine, European Resuscitation Council vew Emile Vanderveldelaan 35 BE-3845 Niel Belgium.



Erector spinae plane block for operative analgesia of cesarean rostinu: series of clinical vipads

QL-block as an effective component of postoperative analgesia in obstetrics

Blood patch yak method of vibor treatment of post-puncture headache

Modern principles of labor anesthesia

A clinical case of acute intestinal obstruction in a pregnant woman

ERAS protocol in obstetrics

Modern approach to childbirth analgesia 

Clinical case of successful management of acute myocardial infarction during pregnancy 

Myocardial infarction during pregnancy (review of the problem and clinical case)

Place of epidural analgesia with puncture of the dura mater as a modern method of labor analgesia 

Safety of using dural puncture epidural analgesia as a method of labor analgesia

Obstetric sepsis (clinical lecture)

Doctor articles

Shemyakina NM, Sulimenko EM, Sulimenko OM, Kovalenko MM. (2024). Childbirth with abnormal invasion of the placenta: placenta accreta spectrum. Ukrainian Journal Health of Woman. 4(173): 75-79. doi: 10.15574/HW.2024.4(173).7579. (https://med-expert.com.ua/journals/ua/rozrodzhennja-pri-anomalnij-invazii-placenti-placenta-accreta-spectrum/)


To the list

Doctor's certificates



Була на прийомі в Медичному центрі 10.04.2024р. Дуже задоволена рівнем якості обслуговування. Уважний і високопрофесіональний лікар-ендоскопіст Мудрий Ярослав Миколайович. Дуже вдячна за блискуче проведену діагностику та операцію. Після операції дуже чітко і грунтовно пояснив результати та надав рекомендації. Також мої слова вдячності анестезіологу Суліменко Євгену Миколайовичу, з допомогою якого вся процедура пройшла на високому рівні. Дуже...
Нещодавно я оперувався в медичному центрі Лелека, з приводу захворювання вен. Операцію проводив чудовий лікар, професіонал своєї справи, судинний хірург - Галига Тарас Миколайович. Хочу подякувати всьому персоналу цього закладу: дівчаткам з рецепції - уважні і привітливі, персоналу відділення хірургії, від молодших сестер до лікарів - чуйні, людяні, сумлінні, доброзичливі і організовані професіонали. Також велика вдячність лікарю...
Хочу від щирого серця висловити величезну подяку всьому колективу Медичного центру «Лелека» за їх високий професіоналізм і велику людську увагу при лікуванні пацієнтів. Особливо хотілося б подякувати лікарю хірургу Косковецькому Дмитру Васильовичу, Лілії Івашко, Суліменко Євгену Миколайовичу, та всьому персоналу. Також хочу відзначити високий професійний рівень лікарів, технічну оснащеність клініки, досконалість під час проведення...
  • Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. Anesthesiologist, PhD Yevhen Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka
  • Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. Anesthesiologist, PhD Yevhen Sulimenko | Physicians | Leleka

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