Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist Lobova Anastasiia | Physicians | Leleka
Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist Lobova Anastasiia | Physicians | Leleka
Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist Lobova Anastasiia | Physicians | Leleka
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Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist Lobova Anastasiia | Physicians | Leleka

Lobova Anastasiia

Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist
Experience - 21 years
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2002-2007 — graduated from the National Technical University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” majoring in “Physical rehabilitation”.

2017 — received a certificate from the Academy of Fitness of Ukraine “Pilates, training for pregnant women”.

2024 – Seminar "Dry needling", therapy techniques for hypertension and headache, myofascial pain syndrome of the neck, muscle spasms of the back and lower limbs. Application of applying needles to "trigger" muscle zones. Received the first level of acupuncture.


Professional experience

1998-2014 — multiple Champion of Ukraine and Europe.

2003-2004 — trainer at the Children and Youth Sports and Technical School.

2004-2017 — personal trainer in the gym “Aquarium”, Training specialist.

2018-2020 — the author’s program “New Life” at the International Tennis Academy.

2020 — became the Candidate Master of Sports in rowing.

2020 — champion of Ukraine in Dragon Boat.

From 2017 to the present — fitness trainer, rehabilitator, kinesiotherapist, masseur at Leleka MC. Conducts training and procedures for pregnant women.

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Doctor's certificates


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  • Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist Lobova Anastasiia | Physicians | Leleka
  • Fitness trainer, kinesitherapist, massage therapist Lobova Anastasiia | Physicians | Leleka

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