Oncologist, surgeon-oncologist, mammologist, oncomammologist Mykola Anikusko | Physicians | Leleka
Oncologist, surgeon-oncologist, mammologist, oncomammologist Mykola Anikusko | Physicians | Leleka
Oncologist, surgeon-oncologist, mammologist, oncomammologist Mykola Anikusko | Physicians | Leleka
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Oncologist, surgeon-oncologist, mammologist, oncomammologist Mykola Anikusko | Physicians | Leleka

Mykola Anikusko

Oncologist, surgeon-oncologist, mammologist, oncomammologist
Experience - 36 years
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1991-1997 - studying at the National Medical University named after. O.O. Bogomolets with a degree in General Medicine. Diploma with honors.

1998 - Awarded the title of specialist doctor in the specialty "Oncology", National Medical University. O.O. Bogomolets.

2000 - awarded the title of specialist doctor in the specialty "Oncosurgery", Kiev Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the KMAPE named after. P.L. Shupik.

2019 - awarded the highest qualification category in the specialty "Oncosurgery".

Professional experience:

1999 – Surgeon Oncologist of the Surgical Department, Kiev City Clinical Cancer Center.

2006 - transferred to the position of head of the surgeon-oncologist of the surgical department of the Kiev City Clinical Oncology Center, which he still holds.

From 1988 until entering a higher medical educational institution, he worked for several years at the Kiev station for emergency and emergency medical care as an on-site orderly, and then as a traveling paramedic.

While studying at the university, he worked at the Kiev City Clinical Cancer Center.

Residency was held at the Department of Oncology at the National Medical University. O.O. Bogomolets.

The doctor is the author and co-author of 40 publications and 7 patents.

In 2017 in Spain he received a European Master's Degree (MS) in Oncoplastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Breast Surgery (MRBS).

2021 – speaker of the International Medical Scientific and Practical Congress.

2021 – speaker at the onco congress "Cancer in young patients - problems of prevention, screening, treatment, rehabilitation".

2022 – speaker at the UpToDate 3.0 Oncology Congress.

2023 – Austria 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023.

Membership in associations, organizations

Is a current member of:


Oncosurgery is the highest qualification.

The doctor carries out diagnostics and treatment, including surgical treatment, of precancerous pathologies and malignant diseases of the breast, skin and soft tissues.

The priority area of ​​activity is the conservative and surgical treatment of diseases of the mammological profile, namely:

In his own work, the doctor is guided by the rule: "Treat your own as strangers, and strangers as your own." And the main quality of a good doctor considers sincerity.

Mykola Anikusko conducts a reception in the antenatal clinic of the Maternity Hospital "Leleka" in the Obolonsky district, at the address: Kyiv, st. Kvitki Cisyk, 56.

Articles and videos with a doctor

"Pregnancy and Breast Cancer". Article in the online journal “Ukrainian Medical Journal. Topical issues of clinical practice. online.

"New therapy options for BRCA-associated metastatic breast cancer and high-grade ovarian cancer". Article on the specialized medical portal Health-ua.com

"One Step Ahead: Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer". Surgeon-oncologist Nikolay Anikusko talks about breast cancer as a “mirror” of lifestyle.

Qualification - master

"Neoadjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer". Article on the specialized medical portal Health-ua.com

Breast cancer - what you need to know?

How to sunbathe as safely as possible

"Children under three years of age should not sunbathe"

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun?

The most common clinical situations in the pathology of the mammary glands in the practice of a gynecologist and mammologist


To the list


Блестящий врач, потрясающий и красивый человек и учёный !!! Благодарю Николая Фёдоровича бесконечно за благородство и профессионализм в профессии, за жизни спасённые и продлённые тысячам женщин, и мне в их числе... Это было незабываемо несмотря на столь трагические обстоятельства - рак + война + первый ракетный обстрел Киева... У наших врачей свой фронт... С благодарностью и восхищением - Татьяна Светличенко, врач - нефролог, г..Запорожье.
Микола Федорович професійний лікар , приємний, розумний, пояснює та надає консультацію на найвищому рівні
Щиро дякую Миколі Федоровичу за чуйне та уважне ставлення до кожного пацієнта.Йти до нього на прийом не страшно, якими стурбованими б ми не були.Завжди заспокоїть і дасть потрібну рекомендацію,розложить по поличкам, що за чим тобі потрібно робити.Люди йому вірять , довіряють і крокують по дорозі життя.З великою шаною пацієнтка
  • Oncologist, surgeon-oncologist, mammologist, oncomammologist Mykola Anikusko | Physicians | Leleka
  • Oncologist, surgeon-oncologist, mammologist, oncomammologist Mykola Anikusko | Physicians | Leleka

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