National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets
Professional skills
A pediatrician examines sick children, makes diagnoses, prescribes treatment, and writes prescriptions. And then he evaluates the results: he examines again, examines, talks with patients and parents.
Visiting a pediatrician is a mandatory part of every young child's life, even if they are healthy.
A pediatrician is generally the first doctor in a person's life, because it is very important to prevent disease, especially in childhood. And if the disease did happen, it is important to recognize the first signs in time. A baby can't talk about his health, but that doesn't stop a good doctor.
Dr Yana provides the following medical assistance:
- preventive examinations;
- patronage, observation and management of children from 0 to 18 years;
- immunization of children;
- ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) of various organs and systems in children;
- diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of various organs and systems in children, namely:
- diseases of the respiratory system, infectious diseases: chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis, scarlet fever, measles and others;
- bacterial and viral diseases: SARS, laryngotracheitis, bronchiolitis, broncho-obstructive syndrome, pneumonia, enterovirus infections, otitis and others;
- skin diseases in children: peculiarities of skin manifestations up to 1-year, atopic dermatitis, allergic reactions, viral rashes, bacterial, fungal and others;
- conducts face-to-face and online consultations on:
- feeding the child, introducing complementary foods into the baby's diet;
- baby care;
- vaccination;
- disease prevention;
- diagnosis and treatment of the child.
The field of professional interests of the doctor, in addition to the main specialization
Dietetics and a healthy lifestyle.
Ultrasound diagnostics.
The doctor about her work
I love children very much. Children are our future. Seeing them healthy and the smiles of their mothers is the highest degree of happiness for me in my professional activity)
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Федоренко Людмила Олександрівна