We are pleased to share the news that a girl born in LELEKA Maternity Hospital has become the first baby born in the world using the pronuclear transfer technique (“three-parent baby”). Her weight is 3,460 grams and her height is 53 cm. We wish the girl good health and a happy childhood!
Here are the comments from our experts who helped the baby to come into the world.
“After detailed tests and obstetric examination natural birth plan was made. The pregnancy proceeded without complications with normal fetal growth and development. There were no indications for planned operative delivery. Labor was progressing adequately that allowed going on to vaginally deliver a healthy baby with minimal risk to her mother”.
Natalia Shemyakina,
Head of the Labor and Delivery Department
“The patient received epidural analgesia and gave birth without pain that allowed the woman to feel completely happy to be a mother”.
Evgeny Grizhimalsky,
Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department
“A full-term healthy baby girl was born in our hospital. Early postnatal adaptation was normal. Pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart defects, hearing screening using optoacoustic emission testing, advanced laboratory tests, ultrasound of all organs and systems was performed. Abnormalities have been not revealed. A healthy baby was discharged home”.
Oksana Nechekhova,
Department of the Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care
It is an achievement of the doctors from our partner clinic “Nadiya".